What does the alley door mean in Chainsaw Man? Explained (spoilers)

If you are like most other Chainsaw Man fans, you are likely to have wondered something since you saw those iconic images in the manga or anime: What does the alley door mean in Chainsaw Man? ? ? It is not exactly a unique plot point in the series, and the more you advance in the plot, the more relevance it seems to have. However, even after its purpose is revealed, there are still questions about what it represented and how it was intended to work.

Fortunately for you, we had the same questions about the door while we advanced in the series. That is why we take the time to collect everything you need to know in this explanatory guide. However, be careful: there are some quite large spoilers ahead.

What is the alley door in Chainsaw Man? Explained

First, it is better to explain exactly what Alley Door is in the anime and manga Chainsaw Man. On his face, the door is a manifestation of Benji's subconscious desire to close traumatic events of his conscience. Specifically, he wants to close to the truth that he killed his abusive father in self-defense.

The voice that tells him not to open the door, meanwhile, is Wichita. After becoming the heart of Benji, Wichita continues to exist within Benji and does everything possible to keep his friend most from the world traumas, using indirect means to try to guide Benji towards a more option or way sure. That is why Benji listens to a voice that says do not open it every time his mind tries to lead him to remember what really happened.

Wichita also tries to warn Benji to move away from dangerous situations using the alley door due to her power over him. When Benji was persuaded to open the door of Maxima's apartment so that Maxima could kill Power in front of him, Wichita tried to stop him by giving the same order to Benji.

What's behind the alley door in Benji's mind?

However, this does not work, and Benji's trauma is unleashed behind the door after seeing Power killed in front of him near Chainsaw Man's conclusion.

As mentioned above, the memory of killing his abusive father is what remained behind the door. Benji can be seen holding a weapon he used to kill his father, and then remember that his father's suicide was a lie invented by Yakuza so that they could recover the enormous debt that Benji owed them.

After seeing this again, Benji is completely despair and becomes completely susceptible to Maxima Devil control skills, who then tries to manipulate him to allow Chainsaw Devil to manifest completely.

Does the alley door appear throughout the entire series?

Fortunately, Benji opening the alley door in Chainsaw Man also serves to free him from his persistent trauma during the rest of the series.

After Power returned him to his senses when she revived it with her blood, Benji recovers her sense of hope and successfully defeats Maxima. Then you can communicate directly with Wichita through a dream and find out about Wichita's efforts to guide him towards a happy life with Maxima. From this moment on, the alley door stops appearing in its mind and seems to be in a better place in the arches that follow where it appears.

Hopefully this clarifies what the alley door means in Chainsaw Man. To get more information about the series, see any of the articles related below. We also have many other guides for Chainsaw Man, including some about whether Wichita is dead or not, if Benji feels the tits and what is a demon.


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