MMORPG "Elder Scrolls Online" appeared in the new chapter-June 6th to the world simultaneous delivery

DMM Games has announced the world simultaneous delivery on June 6 of the MMORPG " Elder Scrolls Online " Japanese version, June 6 of the new chapter "High Air".

In the new chapter, we can visit "High Air" and "Amenos" that will be the first public in the "Elder Scrolls" series. Search for the island and sleeping deep in the island The challenge to the mystery will face the catastrophic power called "King of Transcends" while touching the tradition of Breton. This "Breton tradition" main story will be a magnificent story that will continue through one year. In addition, two new companion characters "embed" and "isobe" added, new trials "dread-leaf" and world events "crevices" that make use of the characteristics of zone are also implemented.

In addition to "Upgrade Collectors Edition", which updates to the latest version, in addition to the "Upgrade Collectors Version" that comes with a limited game item, early reservation benefits that will be buying by 9:59 am on June 6, If you purchased by 9:59 am on April 6, "super" early reservation benefits are also available.

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Published by EXNOA LLC (c) 2022 ZeniMax Media Inc. The Elder Scrolls (R) Online:. High Isle (TM) developed by ZeniMax Online Studios LLC, a ZeniMax Media company ZeniMax, The Elder Scrolls, High Isle, ESO, ESO Plus, Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks and Related Logos ARE Registered TradeMarks or TradeMarks of Zenimax Media Inc. in the US and / or Other Countries. All Rights Reserved.


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